Originally we we're supposed to leave after our first practice at 3pm. There was a minor error made in the scheduling though and we ended up leaving at 11pm. We drove through the night and arrived in Tampico a little after 9am.
We had one practice today in Tampico, in a convention center style building because the gym floor was placed in there like the warriors floor in the Reno memorial weekend aau tournament. All we did was get shots up, 3-man weave, ran through our plays full court and got some more shots up. I almost forgot to mention the air wasn't on so they had 3 big fans blowing on us while we practiced. It's extremely humid here too luckily no one cramped up after our long bus ride. 
After practice I showered up and walked to the nearest OXXO (seven eleven in Mexico) and stocked up on some Powerade. For dinner I had shrimp ravioli because they were so good for lunch I had to get 'em again. I spent the rest of the night chillin playing on the Internet and skyping with Lele. Because of the weather conditions at the US Open they had reruns on and I watched Nadal play from a couple years ago. The man is unreal! My roommate bought the new Carter 4 so we were listening to that too. It was a pretty relaxing day before the game.
Game day:
Got up this morning to Skype Lele on her way to work like i usually do but for some reason we've been struggling with the call quality at this hotel. One of the pros of this hotel is we have Internet in the rooms but every where you get a signal the strongest is 3 bars. I've also been trying to get a hold of the lil sis! I miss her and want to chat. Same goes for my Australian friend.
An ex teammate of mine from SCU emailed me an article he found on ESPN that is very moving. Here is the link below: http://espn.go.com/espn/story/_/id/6935757/remembering-flight-93
I am forever thankful to those who risk their lives for us everyday soldier, firemen, police officer, etc... Its been 10 years and I can still go back to Mr. Monayhan's history class, sophomore year of high school and remember sitting there watching the planes crash and wondering how this could be happening... Gone but never forgotten! "Let's roll!"
We had shoot around and pregame walk through at noon. Driving to and from the gym you can see the appeal of this city. Very exotic and tropical but at the same time 3rd world. There is also hints of American influence in chain restaurants and clothing stores. On our walk to the OXXO last night we must have gotten honked at by taxis 100 times and we only walked one block. It's becoming less surprising to me to see the level of living standards here. It's sad and unfortunate to see. Makes me grateful everyday of my life for the environment my family has provided for me. Thank you Momz and Pops.
For lunch I tried to branch out a little and got a shrimp fettuccini. I love sea food and shrimp is near the top of my favorites. Some of the guys went to IHOP, I would have gone had I not read the article in the paper about the shooting in or near Carson City, NV.