"Big gulps huh? Alright!" that's about all I have to say about this outing. I got in foul trouble early and couldn't get into it. I had 3 fouls in 9min in the first half on some bullsh*t calls. I ended with 4 fouls, 5pts 6assts 1reb & 1stl in 20min. I have to get used to coming off the bench with about 3min or less left in the first. Then play the whole second qtr. Same goes for the second half. Although coach put me in to start the second half this game. Overall just a poor outing and disappointed in myself. Unfortunately we don't have the day off tomorrow we practice tomorrow evening. We still haven't had a day off since I've been here and when you combine that with the time I spent with the national team I haven't had a day off in 1 month. My body is starting to ache but someone close to me once said "No pain, no gain!" and another that rings a bell is "somewhere someone is working harder than you and they will beat you." both quotes my dad used to tell me all the time when I was tired and feeling sorry for myself... On that note, we'll put this one behind us and work harder tomorrow then I did today. We have a road trip coming up this week. Game on the 8th and 10th. Wish us luck and I hope all is well back home. I love and miss you. Until next time......................... Love