Sunday, August 21, 2011

Press Conference, Practice & Fans...

Blog #4

Today I woke up and had the usual (hotcakes & fruit). The breakfast buffet at the hotel is open until noon on weekdays and 1pm on weekends. We had a press conference for the media at 11am and practice from 1:30 - 4pm after that. I'm still not in that good of shape but slowly getting there. After practice I got up off two feet and dunked with 2 hands. It's been a while since I last did that because last year I pulled the calf muscle and after that sprained the ankle. Although I'm not quite 100% it's nice to know I'm getting there.
When we got back to the hotel they gave us 45min to shower and eat before we went to the local Wal-Mart for a meet and greet/autograph signing.

The meet and greet went well. A decent turnout. Probably more so because it was at the mall on a Saturday. We sat at tables and fans of all ages lined up for autographs and photos. It never gets old when someone wants a picture with you. Originally I had planned to hit up the pool but after we grabbed some BK at the mall it was already 7:30pm. So I guess the pool will have to wait until our first off day or 1 practice day... Until next time............ Love