We followed up our League Cup victory with another win against my old team SAM Massagno, 96-63. It is always tough playing your old team, there is always mixed feelings, motivations and plain old awkwardness. I try to get all my hellos/greetings out of the way early so can focus up. Some games it effects me more than others but for the most part I really don't have a problem with it once the whistle blows.

Today I took a leisurely stroll downtown for a cup of hot tea. I stopped at Argentino because it was in the center and had seats outside, which was a perfect spot for people watching while I was enjoying my tea. Some things that stood out to me while people watching were the following: of course the first thing I noticed was the number of dogs being walked by their owners. Made me miss Rvca even more. I saw a man walking with a friend wearing a green puffy jacket, jeans and bright pink shoes. I probably wouldn't have noticed him had it not been for the bright pink shoes. I witnessed a teenage couple walking hand in hand with the boyfriend carry the girlfriends purse. I take a lot of pride in being a good boyfriend and I would hold Lele's purse if she asked me to hold it for her for a second but I don't think I could walk downtown with her holding it. I feel my masculinity at some point would be questioned if I did that and I may be mistaken as her, for lack of a better term 'happy' friend. Another thing I noticed was the amount of greetings I saw between groups of people. For those of you who may or may not know, in Switzerland they give 3 kisses on the cheek. If you're in a group of 4 people that's 9 kisses you have to give and receive. I went downtown around noon and it was lunch for many people, as you can imagine their was a lot of kissing going on. I caught a glimpse of a man in what looked like PJs but as he got closer I couldn't tell if they were just dressy pants. Either way I thought this was great because Lugano is a fairly ritzy area and everyone dresses superior to me. I guess it was nice to see some one in sweat-like pants because typically this is what I wear on a daily bases, sweats, t-shirt and a sweatshirt. Lastly, on the way home I saw a lady walking her daughter wearing black fur boots up to her knees, black tights, and a red British Civil War-like coat. To be honest it kind of reminded me of a nutcracker.

I don't want to sound like I am making fun of anyone, because I love the European style and style in general. Originality and Spontaneousness are 2 key elements when it comes to style and Europeans know this. I actually bought a suit today from H&M, which is part of the reason I was being so analytical in my people watching. I was trying to find ideas for myself. Naturally, I went with the slim fit because I don't think they sell regular or athletic fit in Europe and according to Gentlemen's Quarterly that seems to be the trend. I have a few weddings to catch this summer and I'm trying to step my style game up. I don't want guys thinking they have a chance with Lele just because she is drop dead gorgeous and I'm a squaty-looking oompa loompa with a goofy haircut. I mean I don't mind being the guy who everyone wonders how the hell he got her because I like to think I got game. Really though, other than the reason I mentioned above, my main motive is I'm going to see a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time and I want to look like I have my act together. The photo above of my dad is the classy look I'm going for...
I hope all is well back home. I love and miss you. Until next time......................................... Love