Above is a picture of my coach (Joe Whelton) and I from an article about my arrival in Switzerland. Below is the link to the article from a local paper here in Lugano, Switzerland. The second link is of some pictures of my first year here with my old team.
http://www.tio.ch/aa_pagine_comuni/articolo_interna.asp?idarticolo=593585&IDSezione=7&idsito=101&idtipo=437 ........ Article
http://www.tio.ch/aa_pagine_comuni/articolo_interna.asp?idarticolo=593585&idsezione=7&idsito=101&idtipo=437&dossier=foto ......... Photos
My first game is tomorrow against a team from Zurich and I am currently not eligible to play because my old team in Poland has yet to release me but were hoping the fax with the release will be here tomorrow by game time. Practices so far have been great. Learning a lot and coach is throwing a lot of plays at me so we can hit the ground running. It helps that he is American and speaks English, it makes getting the messages across easier. I still haven't gotten adjusted to the time change and my legs aren't quite there yet still a little jet lagged. But pumped about the game and ready to play.
Tonight after practice I went downtown to meet up with some old friends and teammates at a restaurant called Argentino. It was great seeing everyone again. It was like we picked up right where we left off, except I feel like I need to brush up on my Italian. We actually play each other next Wednesday and I am looking forward to that game as well. I don't know if I mentioned it in my last blog but we will play somewhere between 20-25 games between now and Christmas and will be traveling a lot. I got a lot of work ahead of me and I'm excited to be back in a routine. I hope all is well back home with everyone and enjoying the football season. My nephew plays Shasta tonight our crosstown rival for the traditional Riverbowl bragging rights. Good luck Tayman and good luck to the Hornets. Until next time.................................................... Love