Thursday, October 28, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010
4 - 0
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010
Back in Switzerland...
That’s a little update on my current status. Here are a few highlights from this past summer. I spent most of my time back home hanging with the family and Lele. I got to watch my nephew play baseball and I also got to catch a few football games. Made it to the lake only a few times, which was kind of a bummer but I’ll be sure to get out there a few more times next summer. I did some serious camping. My first camping trip was in the back yard of my girls place, she owns 11 acres and I met all of her mom’s side of the family (18 tents & 54 relatives). Another camping trip I made this year was to the northern coast a campsite called Patrick’s Point near the Redwood National Forest. Some great one on one time with Lele, the first day we got there we hiked five hours to all the major vista points and along the beach. I also made 2 trips to Las Vegas this year, once for my girlfriend’s cousin turning 21 and another time for my good buddy CJ’s bachelor party. I spent way too much money on both trips.
Furthermore, I spent Labor Day weekend in Phoenix playing in a Chicano tournament with my friend Chris Gonzalez. Even though I was there playing it was a great chance to see my family. Over the past 3 summers I have made it down to Arizona to see them, even though my stay wasn’t for the duration it usually is, nor the reason, it was great to see them and is very important to me that I get to see them as much as I can. I made it down to the bay a few times this summer too but definitely not as much as I would have liked. My Santa Clara extended family is important to me and I didn’t get to see them as much as I would have liked. So if any of you are reading this I apologize. I also wanted to them to get to know Lele as she is such a huge part of my life now and my SCU family is also, I want to be able to bring the best of both worlds together. Lastly, I will miss date nights with the babe. Whether it is matinee all day, dinner at Rivers or at aqua golf, it seemed like those were my happiest times this summer.
Anyway, enough of this sappy stuff its basketball season, time to eat, sleep, play and make a little money on the side. I hope everyone had a good summer and are enjoying the fall weather. I’m trying to get acclimated in my new environment and excited about my new Journey. Until Next time……………………………………………………………. Love